Gamme Helfer | Fairtrade


Fairtrade is a model of alternative and equitable trade.  Its goal is to support small-scale farmers and employees in developing countries so that they can build a stable future.

Through minimum pricing and the Fairtrade premium, farmers in Africa, Latin America and Asia have the opportunity to support their villages and families and to improve their working and living conditions. Small-scale producers and employees working within the Fairtrade system thus have a voice and are empowered to make independent decisions.

Georges Helfer SA (Switzerland) specializes in the import of Fairtrade produce and has strong links with countries of production. The company has a comprehensive and carefully controlled traceability system so produce is tracked until it reaches the end consumer.

Georges Helfer SA (Switzerland) also has well established arrangements for shipping fruit, by sea or air from all countries of origin

Because of its experience and expertise, Georges Helfer SA (Switzerland) is a forerunner in marketing Fairtrade produce in Switzerland. / Fairtrade certification in 2016




Fruits de la passion

Passion fruit





Country Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Brazil (Mango and Limes)
Colombia (Physalis)
Vietnam (Passion fruit)








For more information concerning the availability of exotic fruits, please contact us.